In Praise Of Little Dogs

Posted by Amy Hempe on

In the ongoing rivalry between small dogs and big dogs, we're going to take some time to focus on the little ones. 

Due to their diminutive size, small dogs have earned the rep of being delicate accessories. While a few dogs might enjoy being carried around in handbags that cost more than a typical monthly mortgage, most little dogs are happy to just be dogs - running, rolling, swimming, playing, and sniffing. But more things than this can make them outstanding companions.

They are excellent outdoor buddies Small dogs can handle themselves as assuredly as big dogs in the outdoors. Anyone who has owned a terrier knows about their bottomless reservoirs of energy. Hiking with small dogs can be just as fun and perhaps easier than doing the same with a lab or a golden retriever. First, picking up a small dog's poop is much easier, considering there is much less of it. Next, smaller pups can maneuver around tight areas easier than big dogs can. Finally, if they need a break, picking them up and carrying them onward is a cinch.

They are outstanding home security systems Growing up in my house, we had several big dogs and one little dog - a cairn terrier mix. The big dogs looked intimidating, but they almost never barked as someone came into the house. It was the little dog who would wake up absolutely everyone with his loud, high-pitched yap. He may not have had the weight to knock somebody over, but he could certainly let everyone else know that not all was right. Burglars say that little dogs are tougher to deal with because of the loud noise they make. 

They don't take up as much space on the bed. A sprawling dog can somehow magically take up more space than a human on a person's bed, but smaller dogs' sprawls will at least leave room for you to stretch your legs. You'll sleep better and have enough energy to take your dog on a lovely walk the next morning.

They are easier to travel with. Ever plan air travel with a big dog? It's expensive, and the thought of your beloved best friend in cargo will create more anxiety than the trip may even be worth. But a little dog can go into a carrier and under your seat. People will make cooing eyes at your sleeping buddy as they walk the aisles. 

It's easier to find adorable Halloween costumes for small pups. Seriously - whatever costume you dream of for your corgi or pom , that costume is waiting for you. A ladybug? A pirate? Check and check. Big dog owners often have to make their own which, for many of us, means just buying a collar with the word "Boo!" stitched into it. It's not the same at all.

Small dogs can give love that makes them giants in our world. Living at our shins and ankles might make them seem like woodland critters, but they have the ferocity of wolves and the tenderness of fawns. As your small pup curls up into your lap, your heart will rest easy knowing you have one of the best companions you could ever have.

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