Why Big Dogs are Awesome

Posted by Amy Hempe on

Those of us with dogs over 50 pounds are all too aware of their size. Strangers eye them warily during walks. Hotels single them out by only allowing "small" dogs in their rooms. 

Big dog owners know that such fears are often grounded in unfair prejudices. Advocates for big breeds will tell you again and again how big dogs are simply amazing companions to have around. 

1. They are the biggest goofballs. Big dogs don't get any sort of "small dog" complex. They just want to run around and play with anyone willing to roll around in the grass. There is no happier sight than a big dog running around chasing a toy or just enjoying the day. 


2. They are the best snugglers.  Yes, they take up a ton of space. But how much space do you really need? Your pups just want you to know how much they love you, and how concerned they are that you aren't warm enough. On those winter nights when a blizzard rages outside and the furnace is on the fritz, a big dog will keep you cozy. And during those moments when you've craved solitude, a snuggle from your dog will let you know that no matter what, he always has your back.

3. They are the best adventure buddies. On those mornings when you plan to wake up at 4 am to hike, the dog will never call and cancel. If you are up, the dog is up.  Big dogs have the vigor to tackle whatever you have planned for your day. A trip to the beach? Let's do it! Hiking up to 14,000 feet? We're all in! As long as you pack enough water and treats for everyone, these dogs are your ride-or-die partners. Seize the day! 

4. They are huge teddy bears. Most big dogs are gentle souls who want a human companion to look after. They aren't interested in nosing around in what the neighbors are doing. They'll play with the kids next door or watch the birds fly around. But they generally have little interest in turning into Cujo or any other monster from fiction. 

5. And yet, they provide decent security when needed. The sight of a big dog or two staring you down is often enough to deter strangers from entering your home. Yes, your doberman might be scared of a broom and needs his own pillow fort to hide in, but potential robbers don't know this. Snarl or no snarl, the mere presence of a big dog can intimidate even the toughest human.

6. They're indispensable best buds. On those days when you want to simply hang out in your back yard and enjoy the weather, these guys will happily relax and hang out with you. No plans needed, no activities scheduled, big dogs will wag as you lie in the grass on a blanket and watch the clouds. The most relaxing afternoon can be on the sofa with your best friend or outside wiling away the hours. 

Big dogs can't be easily scooped up, and their food demands might squeeze your wallet a little bit, but overall, nothing can truly beat the feeling of having your big buddy lie next to you, sighing comfortably knowing you are always going to be there.

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